How To Eat 50g Fiber Per Day - Sample Day of Meals
If you know how much fiber can make a difference for your gut health, and your overall health, then I bet you've been wondering how do I possibly eat enough? Well, in this guide we're going to show you what a day of eating 50 grams of fiber looks like. And as you'll see...thankfully, it's not as hard as we think. Let's go!

Table of Contents
If you’re a bit of a fiber nerd like myself, you’ll probably know that right now in the USA, it is recommended that women eat 25 grams of fiber per day, while men should aim for 38 grams per day.
But guess what…this might not be enough. You see, these recommendations were given only with heart health in mind. And so now experts believe prevention of colon cancer, as well as other health issues, may require even more fiber intake. With some suggesting we need to look at eating closer to 50 grams per day.
And if you’re interested in doing just that, the big question becomes…how can we get 50 grams of fiber a day in our diet, without gorging ourselves on prunes by the pound? Well, that’s exactly what we’ll look at now.
Along with the research team at Essential Stacks, we’ve played with 100s of recipe ideas to create a sample day of meals for you, which...get this…will be easy to cook…and even easier to eat.
This is the ultimate high fiber food day. Let’s go!
High Fiber Breakfast
So to kick start your fiber fueled day, it’s hard to get much better than a bowl of steel cut oats with some berries.
And best of all, this high fiber breakfast is just so easy to make. All you need to do is combine 1 cup cooked steel cut oats, ½ cup blackberries, ½ cup raspberries, 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds and 1 cup unsweetened almond milk together and voila!
Okay, so what’s the fiber count of this breakfast?
- So in 1 cup of cooked steel cut oats, which is basically the equivalent to a ¼ cup of dry oats, we’re enjoying 5 grams of fiber.
- Meanwhile, our ½ cup of blackberries gives us 3.6 grams of fiber and our ½ cup of raspberries delivers an amazing 4 grams.
- As for the 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds, there is a whopping 5.7 grams of fiber in them! You go flaxseed!
- And of course, our almond milk - well it ties the whole thing together nicely - but doesn’t actually contain much fiber itself. Meaning it is negligible.
- So all in all, this breakfast is giving us a fantastic 17.3 grams of fiber. And to be honest, that’s exactly what we should aim for, since breakfast offers us some of the easiest to eat, fiber-rich foods.
By the way, if you’re intrigued about how much fiber is in all the foods you like to eat, check out the free Top 100 Fiber Foods Checklist we created. I think you’ll love it because…
- It ranks all the foods from highest fiber content to lowest
- Plus you can filter it by food group - for example, if you just want to look at the best high fiber fruits to add to your breakfast, you can
- And it even shows you what an ideal serving size is for each food
High Fiber Morning Snack
Getting to 50 grams of fiber a day can be hard if you’re just eating 3 square meals. So to make it easier, it can be a good idea to enjoy a high fiber snack in the morning.
It’s also quite smart, because it means you spread your fiber intake throughout the day…and that can help minimize any potential issues your body might have when consuming these higher levels of fiber.
So one of the best go-to snacks for the morning would be…not one, but two… juicy little kiwi fruits.
Obviously, they are delicious to eat, but more importantly for us they each contain 2.1 grams of fiber. So together, they add another 4.2 grams of fiber to your daily intake. How easy it that!
High Fiber Lunch
So for lunch it’s hard to go wrong with a salad. After all, not only is it relatively light, but it is also going to be naturally packed with great fiber from the vegetables we add in.
Given there are literally 100s of options, our research team did a bit of recipe testing to find a great example of a fiber-packed salad you can eat again…and again.
Say hello to our Chicken Quinoa Arugula Salad with…wait for it…fresh orange. Now before I show you the ingredients and how much fiber you’re getting, just know that you can easily swap any ingredients you don’t like for another high fiber ingredient. So for example, if orange is a big no from you, then try apple or pear.
And by the same token, if a protein ingredient is not to your liking - for example the chicken here - you can swap it or even ditch it, since it doesn’t add to the fiber count.
Okay so, in this salad we have 4 oz grilled chicken, 1 cup cooked quinoa, 1 oz feta cheese, 2 cups arugula, ½ cup cucumber, ½ cup tomato, 1 tbsp vinaigrette and 1 fresh chopped orange.
And here’s a quick look at the fiber content.
- So obviously our chicken, cheese and vinaigrette don’t have any fiber. But what about the rest of the ingredients?
- Well, 1 cup cooked quinoa has 5.2 grams of fiber.
- Meanwhile, the 2 cups of arugula will give us 1 gram of fiber.
- The ½ cup of cucumber adds about 0.5 grams and the ½ cup tomato…1 gram.
- Finally the orange brings in another 3.1 grams of fiber.
- Meaning, all in all, this light and refreshing salad adds a nice 10.8 grams of fiber to our day.
So far we’re sitting at a very respectable 32.3 grams of fiber for the day. Which means we’ve made great progress, but we still have a bit to do.
High Fiber Afternoon Snack
Enter…the high fiber afternoon snack!
For this, we decided to go with a very hipster combination [bring out glass jar with 2 tbsp peanut butter in it and the celery stalks]…1 tablespoon of almond butter with 2 celery stalks.
While the almond butter will add around 1.5 grams of fiber, the 2 celery stalks will give us 2 grams of fiber. So all up we get another 3.5 grams of fiber into our day. Which means we only have to eat just 14.2 more grams of fiber to hit our daily target of 50 grams.
High Fiber Dinner
So with all of that in mind - what’s for dinner?
How does Roast Salmon with wild rice, black beans and cauliflower sound? Trust me, it tastes better than it sounds.
And best of all, this is a crazy simple dish to cook.
As you can see here, we have 1 filet of salmon, 1 cup cooked wild rice, ½ cup black beans, 1 cup cooked cauliflower, ¼ cup coconut milk, ½ cup stewed tomatoes, and I’ve added in some Cilantro, Cumin, Turmeric and Pepper to taste.
- Like with our salad for lunch, the main protein in this meal…the salmon…won’t give us any fiber. But what about the rest of it?
- Okay, so our 1 cup of cooked wild rice will give 2 grams of fiber…which is a lot better than if we used normal white rice, since that would only give us about a quarter of the fiber.
- Meanwhile ½ cup of black beans brings in a whopping 7.5 grams of fiber!
- Then we have 1 cup of cauliflower…and that adds about 2.15 grams of fiber.
- As for our ¼ cup of coconut milk…say hello to another 1.25 grams of fiber.
- Lastly, our ½ cup tomatoes will add 2 grams of fiber - assuming we used about 1 cup uncooked.
- So all up we actually enjoy 14.9 grams of fiber with this dinner.
- Meaning we are just over 50 grams of fiber for the day. How great is that!
So now you’ve seen what a high fiber diet looks like over the course of 1 day.
But how cool would it be if you could design your own favorite…fiber-rich meals…and create a menu that suits your taste buds better?
Well, as you saw in this article, it is just a case of picking high fiber foods and combining them into 3 meals and 2 snacks.
And to make this super easy, check out our free Top 100 Fiber Foods Checklist … where you’ll finally be able to see at a glance, exactly which foods deliver the best bang for your fiber buck and how many grams of fiber you get when you eat them!
Eating 50 grams of fiber each day will be so easy.
Now we want to hear from you…what’s your favorite high fiber meal? Let everyone know by leaving a comment below.
Evidence Based
An evidence hierarchy is followed to ensure conclusions are formed off of the most up-to-date and well-designed studies available. We aim to reference studies conducted within the past five years when possible.
- Systematic review or meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
- Randomized controlled trials
- Controlled trials without randomization
- Case-control (retrospective) and cohort (prospective) studies
- A systematic review of descriptive, qualitative, or mixed-method studies
- A single descriptive, qualitative, or mixed-method study
- Studies without controls, case reports, and case series
- Animal research
- In vitro research