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A Day of Lazy Keto Meals: 5 Easiest Meals To Cook

Keto can be hard to cook sometimes, especially when recipes are calling for a dozen different ingredients or take a long time to cook (hello crockpot keto recipes!). So in this super short guide, we're going to show you 5 easy keto meals to matter how lazy you're feeling, you'll nail these.

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Table of Contents

    So what does a day of lazy keto meals actually look like?

    Well, in this guide, we're going to show you exactly what you can cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as some snack options.

    Not only are these meals quick to make, but they're also delicious and offer a huge variety in flavors across them.  Perfect for all keto lovers!



    Breakfast: Bacon and eggs

    Eggs x2 with butter

    Bacon x 3

    Side: ½ cup Blackberries

    Snack: Raspberry bar

    ⅛ cup coconut cream

    ⅓ cup raspberries

    Lemon zest 


    Lunch: Lemon butter salmon

    4 oz salmon

    ⅓ cup creamed spinach

    3 cherry tomatoes

    1 tbsp lemon juice

    1 tbsp butter 

    Snack: Cucumber rolls

    ⅓ cucumber

    3 oz sliced ham

    2 tbsp cream cheese

    Dinner: Stuffed peppers

    1 green bell peppers

    6 oz ground meat

    ¼ cup salsa

    ⅓ cheddar cheese

    2 tbsp sour cream

    Taco seasoning 


    Macros of these meals

    lazy keto meals macros

    Evidence Based

    An evidence hierarchy is followed to ensure conclusions are formed off of the most up-to-date and well-designed studies available. We aim to reference studies conducted within the past five years when possible.

    • Systematic review or meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
    • Randomized controlled trials
    • Controlled trials without randomization
    • Case-control (retrospective) and cohort (prospective) studies
    • A systematic review of descriptive, qualitative, or mixed-method studies
    • A single descriptive, qualitative, or mixed-method study
    • Studies without controls, case reports, and case series
    • Animal research
    • In vitro research

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